Lezbično-feministična univerza vas vabi
v petek, 21. decembra 2012 ob 19.00, v klub Tiffany
na tretji del cikla Feminizem in jezikoslovje – Feministično prevodoslovje II.
Tudi tokrat bo v ospredju feministična šola prevodoslovja. Pobliže si bomo ogledale situacijo v Kanadi, ki velja za središče feministične misli na področju prevajanja.
Doma preberite članek Luise von Flotow –Feminism in Translation: the Canadian Factor(V Quaderns. Revista de traducció 13 (1).
Lezbično-feministična univerza zagotavlja varen ženski prostor, zato so dogodki v okviru le-te namenjeni le njim.
Dogodek podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana in ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q (klub Tiffany).
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The Lesbian Feminist University is inviting you to
the third part of the Feminism and Linguistics cycle – Feminist Translation Studies II
on Friday, 21 December 2012, at 19:00 at Club Tiffany.
We will continue to focus on feminist translation theory and take a closer look at the situation in Canada, which is considered to be the centre of feminist thought in the field of translation studies.
Read Luise von Flotow’s article – Feminism in Translation: the Canadian Factor (In Quaderns. Revista de traducció 13 (1).
Hope to see you there!
The Lesbian Feminist University strives to provide a safe space for women and our events are therefore women-only.
The event is supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana and ŠKUC – Cultural Centre Q (Club Tiffany).