Lezbično-feministična univerza vas v okviru 23. obletnice Avtonomne kulturne cone Metelkova vabi
na filmsko projekcijo Peaches Does Herself,
ki bo v petek, 9. 9. 2016, ob 19h v klubu Tiffany (ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q).
Tokrat si bomo ogledale_i trashy, kvir&trans anti-mjuzikel, ki je avtobiografska elektro-rock opera glasbenice Peaches iz leta 2012.
Peaches je kanadska glasbenica in performerka, ki v ritmih elektro-pop/rocka, synthpopa in elektroclasha brezkompromisno raziskuje telesa, spolne identitete, spolne vloge, seksualnosti in staranje. Izdala je več kot 9 glasbenih plošč, bila večkrat nominirana za svojo glasbo in performativne nastope (GLAAD, MVPA, Independent Music Award idr.) ter sodelovala pri koloseksualnem filmu, dokumentarcih in TV serijah. Peaches Does Herself je njen prvi celovečerni film.
Po projekciji bomo poslušale_i njena zadnja albuma, Rub (2015) in Rub-Remixes (2016).
As part of the 23rd anniversary of the Autonomous Cultural Zone Metelkova City,
the Lesbian Feminist University is inviting you to
the film screening Peaches Does Herself (2012, Canada)
that will take place on Friday, September 9th at 7 PM, at club Tiffany (ŠKUC-Cultural Centre Q), Northern Building Lovci.
This time we will see a trashy, queer & trans anti-musical which is also an autobiographical electro-rock opera by musician Peaches from 2012.
Peaches is a Canadian musician and performer. Uncompromisingly, in the rythms of electro-pop/rock, synthpop and electroclash, she explores bodies, gender identities, gender role, sexualities and ageism. She has published more than 9 albums, won numerous nominations for her music and performances (the GLAAD Award, the MVPA, the Independent Music Award, etc.) and collaborated on a bicycle-porn movie, various documentaries and TV series. Peaches does herself is her first feature film.
After the screening we will listen to her latest albums Rub (2015) and Rub-Remixes (2016).
Join us!