1 maj 1874 ameriška umetnica Romaine Brooks
7 maj 1748 francoska revolucionarka, pisateljica in feministka Olympe de Gouges
11 maj 1898 poljska umetnica Tamara de Lempicka
12 maj 1820 angleška bolničarka Florence Nightingale
12 maj 1907 ameriška filmska igralka Katharine Hepburn
12 maj 1910 angleška kemičarka in nobelovka Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
12 maj 1940 ameriška lezbična pisateljica Joan Nestle
15 maj 1939 ameriška filmska ustvarjalka Barbara Hammer
16 maj 1718 italijanska matematičarka, filozofinja in jezikoslovka Maria Gaetana Agnesi
16 maj 1929 kanadska pesnica, esejistka in lezbična feministka Adrienne Rich
20 maj 1882 norveška pisateljica, nobelovka 1928 Sigrid Undset
22 maj 1943 severnoirska političarka, nobelovka Betty Williams
23 maj 1908 švicarska fotografinja Annemarie Schwarzenbach
23 maj 1958 ameriška stand-up komičarka Lea DeLaria
27 maj 1819 ameriška pesnica in aktivistka Julia Ward Howe
27 maj 1907 ameriška biologinja in ekologinja Rachel Carson
28 maj 1913 ameriška pesnica May Swenson
29 maj 1934 mehiška gledališka režiserka in aktivistka Nancy Cárdenas
29 maj 1961 ameriška pevka Melissa Etheridge
6 maj 1992 nemško ameriška filmska igralka in pevka Marlene Dietrich
11 maj 1731 angleška filozofinja in feministka Mary Astell
14 maj 1940 rusko-ameriška anarhistka in feministka judovskega rodu Emma Goldman
15 maj 1886 ameriška pesnica Emily Dickinson
16 maj 1975 Japonka Džunko Tabei kot prva ženska pripleza na Mount Everest
20 maj 1932 Amelia Earhart (prva ženska, ki preleti Atlantik) vzleti z letališča Harbour Grace na Novi Fundlandiji
30 maj 1431 Ivana Orleanska zažgana na grmadi
Od 5.marca do 3. julija je v Umetnostna galerija Maribor na ogled razstava Dragica Čadež, Retrospektiva.
V Cankarjevem domu si lahko v petek, 20. maja, ogledate predstavo MARLENE DIETRICH.
V soboto, 28. maja, si lahko v Kinu Šiška ob 20h ogledate predstavo Zagrebškega mladinskega gledališča ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE v režiji Ivane Sajko.
1 May 1874 American artist Romaine Brooks
7 May 1748 French revolutionary, writer and feminist Olympe de Gouges
11 May 1898 Polish artist Tamara de Lempicka
12 May 1820 British nurse Florence Nightingale
1907 American actress Katharine Hepburn
1910 British chemist and Nobel laureate Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
1940 American lesbian writer Joan Nestle
15 May 1939 American filmmaker Barbara Hammer
16 May 1718 Italian mathematician, philosopher and linguist Maria Gaetana Agnesi
1929 Canadian poet, essayist and lesbian feminist Adrienne Rich
20 May 1882 Norwegian writer, Nobel laureate 1928 Sigrid Undset
22 May 1943 Irish politician, Nobel laureate Betty Williams
23 May 1908 Swiss photographer Annemarie Schwarzenbach
1958 American stand-up comic Lea DeLaria
27 May 1819 American poet and activist Julia Ward Howe
1907 American biologist and conservationist Rachel Carson
28 May 1913 American poet May Swenson
29 May 1934 Mexican stage director and activist Nancy Cárdenas
1961 American singer Melissa Etheridge
6 May 1992 German-American actress and singer Marlene Dietrich
11 May 1731 British philosopher and feminist Mary Astell
14 May 1940 Russian-American anarchist and feminist of Jewish descent Emma Goldman
15 May 1886 American poet Emily Dickinson
16 May 1975 Japanese Junko Tabei climbs Mount Everest as the first woman
20 May 1932 Amelia Earhart (first woman to fly across the Atlantic ocean) takes off from Harbour Grace airport in Newfoundland
30 May 1431 Joanne of Arc burned at the stake
Between 5 March and 3 July, exhibition of Dragica Čadež, Retrospektiva (Retrospective) at the Maribor Art Gallery.
ON FRIDAY, 20 May, performance MARLENE DIETRICH at Cankarjev dom.
On Saturday, 28 May at 20h, performance of the Zagreb Youth Theatre, ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE, directed by Ivana Sajko, at Kino Šiška.