Silvia Federici v SC Rogu III.
9. 3. 2015

»The creation of the common/s, then, must be seen as a complement and presupposition of the struggle over the wage, in a context in which employment is even more precarious, in which monetary incomes are subject to constant manipulations, and in which flexibilization, gentrificiation, and migration have destroyed the forms of sociality that once characterised proletarian life.« (Silvia Federici)

Silvia Federici Stara elektrarna oktober 2014

Vabimo vas na tretji študijsko-bralni krožek, na katerem se bomo pogovarjale_i o izbranem eseju feministke in borke za radikalno osvoboditev Silvie Federici.

Dobimo se v sredo, 18.3.2015 ob 20.00 v Socialnem centru Rog, Tovarna Rog.

V središču diskusije bosta teksta z naslovom »Introduction« (2011) in »On elder care work and the limits of Marxism« (2009), ki sta vključena v zbirko esejev Silvie Federici Revolution at point zero: housework, reproduction and feminist struggle (str. 5-12 in str.115-125;)

Vabljene in vabljeni!

Dogodek pripravljata Socialni center Rog in Lezbično – feministična univerza.

Viri Silvie Federici v slovenščini:
Blog Mesta žensk.
– Radio Študent 1 in 2.

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