25. obletnica AKC Metelkove – Lezbični kinoklub: Stormé
8. 8. 2018

Lezbično-feministična univerza vas v okviru 25. obletnice zasedbe Avtonomne kulturne cone Metelkove Mesta

vabi na Lezbični kinoklub in pogovor – Stormé,

ki bo v nedeljo, 9. 9. 2018 ob 19h v klubu Tiffany (ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q).

Ogledale si bomo dokumentarna filma »Stormé – gospa iz Jewel Box Revue” (1987, 21 min) in “Življenje Stormé” (2009, 6 min).

Stormé DeLarverie (1920-2014) oz. Stormy je bila temnopolta butch lezbijka, kralj preobleke in pevec_ka v legendarni potujoči drag skupini Jewel Box Revue v 1950-60ih v New Yorku.

V času policijske racije na bar Stonewall Inn junija 1969 naj bi bila prav ona tista, ki naj bi pozvala k uporu proti policijskemu nasilju, zato jo poimenujejo tudi za “Roso Parks LGBT skupnosti”. Vse do 85. leta starosti je delala kot redarka in zaščitnica, t.i. “varuška” v LGBT barih in na ulicah Village-a, kjer je neustrašno ščitila “svoje otroke” – ostale lezbijke, geje in trans osebe pred nestrpnostjo in napadi.

Po projekciji sledi pogovor o prisotnosti, pomenu in izkušnjah lezbijk na javnih protestih in v gibanjih za radikalno družbeno osvoboditev.


Dogodek podpira ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q/klub Tiffany. Vir slike.

***** ENGLISH *********

During 25th Anniversary of Autonomous Cultural Zone Metelkova City,

Lesbian-Feminist University is inviting you to the Lesbian cinema club and debate Stormé,

that will happen on Sunday, September 9th 2018 at 7 pm at club Tiffany (SKUC-Cultural centre Q).

We will watch two documentary movies – »Stormé” (1987, 21 min) and “A Stormé Life” (2009, 6 min).

Stormé DeLarverie (1920-2014) or Stormy was a black butch lesbian, a drag king and a singer in the legendary drag group Jewel Box Revue in the 1950-60s in New York, USA. During the police raid on the Stonewall Inn bar in June 1969, she was presumably the one that triggered the uprising against police violence, that is why she was also called “Rosa Parks of LGBT community”. Until her age of 85, she worked as a bouncer and so-called “babysitter” at LGBT bars and on the streets of Village, where she fiercely safeguarded “her children” – other lesbians, gays and trans persons from intolerance and attacks.

After the movies, there will be a debate about presence, roles and experiences of lesbians at the public protests and inside movements for radical social change.


Event is supported by SKUC-Cultural centre Q/club Tiffany. Picture source.

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