»As the primary subjects of reproductive work, historically and in our time, women have depended more than men on access to communal resources, and have been most commited to their defense… //….One cruical reason for creating collective forms of living is that the reproduction of human beings is the most labor-intensive work on earth, and to a large extent it is work that is irreducible to mechanization.« (Silvia Federici)
Vabimo vas na drugi študijsko-bralni krožek, na katerem se bomo pogovarjale_i o izbranem eseju feministke in borke za radikalno osvoboditev Silvie Federici.
Dobimo se v sredo, 18.2.2015 ob 20.00 v Socialnem centru Rog, Tovarna Rog.
V središču diskusije bo tekst z naslovom »Feminism and the politics of the common in an era of primitive accumulation« iz leta 2010, ki je vključen v zbirko esejev Silvie Federici “Revolution at point zero: housework, reproduction and feminist struggle” (str. 138-148; prosto dostopno knjigo z esejem najdete tu).
Vabljene in vabljeni!
Dogodek pripravljata Socialni center Rog in Lezbično-feministična univerza.
Viri Silvie Federici v slovenščini:
– Blog Mesta žensk.
– Radio Študent: RKHV intervju, Vtisi s seminarja Silvie Federici v oktobru 2014.